How to Fix "Error Code: 268" on Roblox? [ 2023] - Tech Arbiters

How to Fix “Error Code: 268” on Roblox? [ 2023]

Roblox players may have encountered the annoying Error Code: 268 at some point. This error can be frustrating and disruptive. It typically results in being kicked out of the game with the message “You have been kicked out due to unexpected client behavior.”

If you are wondering what this error means and how to fix it, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will focus on what is Error Code: 268 and provide a step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot and fix it.

Whether you are a proactive Roblox player or new to the game, this error is something that can happen to anyone. The solutions in this article can help you get back to playing as soon as possible.
How to Fix Error Code 268 on Roblox

What is “Error Code: 268” on Roblox?

Error Code: 268 on Roblox is an error message that appears when the game detects unexpected behavior from the client. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a glitch in the game, a problem with the device being used to play the game, or an issue with the internet connection.

It is a common error that many Roblox players encounter, and it can be frustrating. It can interrupt gameplay and prevent players from being able to access certain features or servers.

Error Code: 268 can sometimes be triggered by third-party software or programs that are running in the background. For example, some players have reported that antivirus programs or other types of security software can cause this error to occur.

Besides this, an error also causes because of the Device you are using to play the game. For example, if the device is low on storage or memory, it could lead to unexpected behavior and trigger an error.

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Some players have reported that Error Code: 268 can be caused by issues with the internet connection. For example, if the connection is unstable or slow, it could cause problems with the game.

If you’re seeing this error, don’t worry. There are steps you can take to try and fix it and get back to playing the game. In the next section, we’ll go over some potential solutions for Error Code: 268 on Roblox.

How to fix “Error Code: 268” on Roblox

If you’re experiencing Error Code: 268 on Roblox, here are some steps you can try to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

1️⃣ Restart the Game/Device:

Sometimes, simply restarting the game can fix the problem. Close the game and then reopen it to see if the error persists. If you still getting this error try restarting the device you’re using to play the game. Shut down the device and then turn it back on to see if the error goes away.

2️⃣ Check the Internet Connection:

A poor or unstable internet connection can cause Error Code: 268 with Roblox. A slow or unstable internet connection can cause delays or lag in the game. That can be frustrating for players and negatively impact gameplay.

In addition, a poor connection can also cause problems with loading and streaming, which can lead to errors like Error Code: 268.

If you find that your internet connection is slow or unstable. There are several things you can try to improve it. These can include:

  • Closing any unnecessary programs or browser tabs that may be using more bandwidth.
  • Restarting your router or modem.
  • Moving your device closer to the router reduces the distance and improves signal strength.
  • Contacting your internet service provider to troubleshoot any issues with your connection.

You can check your internet speed and latency by visiting the site

3️⃣ Check for Updates

Make sure you have the latest version of Roblox installed. Sometimes, new updates can fix bugs or issues that could be causing the error.

To check if you have the latest version of Roblox, go to the Roblox website and log in to your account. Click on the “Download Roblox” button and it will check for updates automatically. If an update is available, you need to install it.

You can also check for updates by going to the app store on your device. For example the App Store on iOS or the Google Play Store on Android. You can search the app and download the latest updates.

Updating Roblox is important not only to fix bugs and issues that could be causing errors like "Error Code: 268". But also to ensure that you have access to all the latest features and improvements.

4️⃣ Check for Server Issues

If you’re having trouble connecting to a specific server or game, there may be an issue with the server itself. You can try checking the Roblox status page to see if there are any issues that could be causing the error. Here are some points you should consider to get rid of the server issue.

The Roblox status page is a useful resource for checking on the current status of the Roblox servers. You can visit the status page by going to

On the status page, you’ll see a list of various components of the Roblox platform. For example the website, game servers, and various services. Each component will have a status indicated next to it, such as “Operational”, “Degraded Performance”, or “Outage”.

If you facing an issue connecting to a specific server or game, you can check the status of the relevant component on the status page. From the status page, you can find issues that could be causing the problem.

For example, if you’re having trouble with a specific game server. You can simply check the status of the “Game Servers” component to see if there are any reported issues.

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5️⃣ Disable any Third-Party Software

It’s important to note that third-party software or programs can sometimes interfere with the normal functioning of the game and cause errors like “Error Code: 268” to occur.

If you have any antivirus programs or security software running in the background, try disabling them temporarily to see if they are causing the error. If disabling these programs resolves the issue. You need to add Roblox to the list of exceptions in your security software to allow it to run smoothly.

Cheat or exploit software also causes this error while playing Roblox. It’s important to note that using such software is against the Roblox terms of service and can result in your account may ban. If you suspect that cheating or exploiting software is causing the error, it’s best to stop using it and try playing the game without it.

If you’re not sure which third-party software or programs might be causing the error. Then try disabling them one by one until you find the culprit. This can help you identify the specific program that is causing the issue and allow you to take steps to fix it.

6️⃣ Use the UWP Roblox app (For Windows users)

The UWP (Universal Windows Platform) version of Roblox is a version of the game that is designed specifically for Windows 10 devices. It can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

One of the main benefits of the UWP version is that it is more stable and less prone to errors like “Error Code: 268”. This is because the UWP version is optimized for Windows 10 and is less likely to encounter issues with compatibility or performance.

In addition to being more stable, the UWP version of Roblox also has some additional features that are not available in the web version of the game. For example, it supports cross-play with Xbox One players, and it has support for in-game purchases.

If you’re using Windows 10 and you’re having trouble with the web version of Roblox, it’s definitely worth giving the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) version a try. While it may not fix all issues, it could potentially help resolve problems like “Error Code: 268”.

Once again keep in mind that the UWP version of Roblox is only available on Windows 10 devices. If you’re using a different operating system, you’ll need to use the web version of the game.

7️⃣ Delete Personal Settings from Internet Options:

If you’re using a web browser to play Roblox, you can try deleting your personal settings from the Internet Options menu. To do this, go to the Control Panel, select Internet Options, and then go to the “General” tab. Click the “Delete” button under “Browsing history” and then select the “Delete personal settings” checkbox. Click “Delete” to confirm and then restart your browser.

Try these steps one by one to see if any of them help fix Error Code: 268 on Roblox. If you’re still having trouble after trying these solutions, you may want to try reaching out to Roblox support for further assistance.

Final Thought for Error Code: 268 on Roblox

To summarise, Error Code: 268 on Roblox is an error message that appears when the game detects unexpected behavior from the client. It can be caused by a variety of issues:

  • A glitch in the game.
  • A problem with the device being used to play the game.
  • An issue with the internet connection.

If you’re experiencing this error, there are several steps you can try to troubleshoot and fix it, such as restarting the game, the device, and the internet connection, checking for updates and disabling any third-party software.

I hope that these solutions were helpful in fixing “Error Code: 268” on Roblox for you. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to Roblox support for further assistance.

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