Forms of Energy: 9 Different Types of Energy in the Universe (2023) - Tech Arbiters

Forms of Energy: 9 Different Types of Energy in the Universe (2023)

Forms of Energy: 9 Different Types of Energy in the Universe

Energy or power is the necessary element to do any work. Energy can not be generated as well as can not be destroyed. It changes the forms, from one to another. The forms of energy are kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, mechanical, radiant, potential, or Kinetic.

The state of energy can be changed, transformed, or converted depending on work. For example, if an apple hangs on the tree it has potential energy stored.

Because of gravity, it will be hung downward and kinetic energy is not enough to fell down an apple. Anyhow, if an apple falls down it will have kinetic energy.

When it touches the ground, because of strike it will generate thermal energy. Moreover, you will hear the sound of smashing which is mechanical energy.

Hence, in this event, energy transformed to Potential energy > Kinetic energy > Thermal Energy > Mechanical energy.

Energy is present in each thing that belongs to the universe. In addition, the amount of energy will remain as it is what we got from the past. But the forms of energy will change every time.

There are several types of energy present in the Universe, which humans have identified successfully. It could be more as experiments are expanding beyond the horizon.

In this article, we will see all the different types of energy present in different forms. With examples, it is easy to understand all types of energy, and you will provide information about all forms of energy.

9 Different Types of Energy:

1️⃣ Mechanical Energy

Mechanical energy can be related to the motion or steady position of an object. During the motion it is in the form of kinetic energy, otherwise, it is in the form of potential energy. Objects having mechanical energy to do work in many forms.

For example, when fuel burns in the engines it produces power in the form of mechanical energy to drive the car. In this case, thermal energy converts into mechanical energy as the output.

The same process happens in steam engines, where hot steam creates pressure and moves the train in any direction.

In hydropower plants, the kinetic energy of water moves the blades of turbines and transforms into mechanical energy to generate electricity.

2️⃣ Electrical Energy

Electrical Energy is dependent on the motion of the electron. There are three ions present in the atoms, protons (positive ions), electrons (negative ions), and neutrons (neutral ions).

Due to external forces such as magnetic or electric fields, electrons move and change their position. This change of motion of electrons generates electrical energy. The amount of energy depends on the speed of motion.

Electrical energy can be generated by converting kinetic energy. In turbines, the rotary or radial force is required to drive the turbine which is connected with the shaft of the generator.

The turbine generates kinetic energy for the generator. When the shaft of the generator rotates it will convert kinetic energy to electric energy. These forms of energy generally provide electricity in different power plants.

3️⃣ Thermal Energy

The thermal or Heat energy is generated when electrons present in the atom start vibrating due to external forces such as temperature, strike, or friction.

Initially, electrons are in normal condition and due to force they are moving and vibrating which is generating thermal energy.

It always depends on how strong is the force to evaluate the amount of thermal energy. The objects eventually remain at the same temperature as the room or surrounding environment after vibration comes down.

For instance, when you heat up the metal plate electrons start vibrating and convert potential energy to thermal energy.

After some time. vibration reduces and temperature comes down as metal plates close the thermal or heat energy. These types of energy are involved in the steam generation process or cooking.

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4️⃣ Nuclear Energy

Nuclear power uses a method called “Nuclear chain reaction” to create energy. Nuclear fission occurs when two atoms together split and one Atom gains energy.

This is a very fast chemical reaction, and typically a chain reaction will occur. The amount of energy that is gained depends on the number of different nuclei that are participating in the reaction.

When a chain reaction takes place, neutrons are split, and in the process, energy will release as either kinetic or electrical energy.

Nuclear energy is considered one of the high efficiency and reliable sources of power generation. However, it requires lots of safety measures to build nuclear power plants. In addition, these forms of energy also cause radiation if leakage occurs in the process.

5️⃣ Radiant Energy

Radiant Energy is one of the forms of energy that is related to the movement of photon particles or electromagnetic waves.

Some waves or lights are not visible to humans such as x-rays, radio waves, or Ultraviolet rays. However, the effects of these lights are important in many fields.

In nature, sunlight is a great source of radiant energy. Photosynthesis process for plants and trees, Vitamin D for the human body, Warm-up and Light up the other planets are possible due to this form of energy.

What is radiant energy in physics is that it has no limitations. It can be used anywhere there is an unconfined source of heat. That means you could use it to warm your home, warm up the car that you drive, or heat a pool.

Radiant energy is used by people all over the world for different things. Some people use it for heating their homes, while others use it to power their cars. Many of us use it to run our appliances on, as well as for powering our GPS systems.

6️⃣ Chemical Energy

To understand chemical energy you need to understand the chemical process first. When two different chemicals are mixed, they are creating a new compound. After that, they undergo a reaction and produce a new substance. All these reactions produce chemical energy.

For example, now, let’s assume that we take some hydrogen and Oxygen molecules and put them together. We can find the sum of the energies by dividing the total sum by their individual values.

The process of combining the two produces HHO or Brown’s gas, which is a kind of compound having a high boiling point.

When we apply heat to this mixture, we get water vapor and it transforms into HHO gas. Now we have a chemical reaction taking place between the molecules and turning them into HHO gas.

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7️⃣ Magnetic Energy

Magnetic energy is created by an object undergoing a magnetic field change. Basically, a magnet will create its own energy if it is kept close to the surface on which it is placed.

There are two effects magnet can create attraction and repulsion. When two poles of the magnet come together magnetic energy will generate in form of repulsion. While two opposite poles create an attractive form of energy.

Same as a magnet the earth is also a great source of magnetic energy which generates gravitational force and attracts objects to the earth’s surface.

8️⃣ Potential Energy

Potential energy is present or stored in each object. If none of the external force applies to an object then the amount of the potential energy will remain the same such as a box on the table or petrol in the car.

Once, external forces are applied to the object it will lose potential energy and change the form of the energy like kinetic energy or thermal energy.

For example, if we take a spring and compressed spring, they have the same amount of potential energy, but in the opposite orientation. This is why when you push a spring you create a torque that compresses the spring and makes it move.

9️⃣ Kinetic Energy

If an object has a motion it is because of kinetic energy. It is the change in velocity that gives these particles their kinetic energy.

For example, when two different sizes of balls are thrown together, they are able to gain or lose energy due to their momentum. It depends on the mass of the balls how long they can travel.

When the ball remains in hand it has potential energy, when momentum starts because of the external force it has kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is also divided up into two main categories. These categories are kinematic and kinetic. Kinetic energy is the amount of energy require to go one distance in a physical motion.

For instance, if a sailboat moves at the same rate as the wind while traveling at the same wind velocity, then it will have the same amount of kinetic energy as well.

In contrast, kinetic energy is the amount of energy require to do work or move an object from point A to point B.

Conclusion: Forms of Energy

To conclude, there are many forms of energy that can be transferred, converted, or changed in different forms. The rate of change depends on the mass of the object and external forces.

There are 9 types of energy generally enough to perform any task or can stay involved in each task. However, some other types of energy can be considered such as gravitational pull or electrostatic attraction.

You can get multiple forms of energy at the same time but eventually, the amount of energy will remain the same.

FAQ abot Forms of Energy

What are the 7 major forms of energy?

1. Mechanical Energy
2. Electrical Energy
3. Thermal Energy
4. Nuclear Energy
5. Radiant Energy
6. Chemical Energy
7. Magnetic Energy

What’s the main source of energy?

On the earth, the main source of energy is the Sun. It is also a major renewable source of energy. The Sun generating many forms of energy which is useful for the human and environment such as,
1. Thermal Energy to maintain the temperature of the earth
2. Sunlight provides visibility during the day
3. Plants and trees using sunlight for the photosynthesis process
4. Electricity can be generated by solar panels
5. Sun is also a source of essential vitamin D for the human body.

What are the two sources of energy?

Renewable energy or Non-conventional energy and Nonrenewable or Conventional energy are two sources of energy.
Renewable energy is an infinite source of energy such as solar, wind, water, or geothermal. Nonrenewable energy is a limited source of energy such as Oil, Petrol, Coal, or Nuclear.

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