Explore What is Intel Security Assist in 2023 - Tech Arbiters

Explore What is Intel Security Assist in 2023

Intel Security Assist is one of the components of Intel Active Management Technology like Intel Technology Access and Local Management Service. Same as all other components, it is meant to enhance the working environment of the computer and help it work more smoothly.

Its main function is to make the system run faster by removing unnecessary or redundant programs.

It’s an offshoot of Server Management Technology (SMS), designed to make sure only the important applications need to run at a time.

However, nowadays many users find it unuseful and complaining about it makes windows computers slower.

In addition, it is running in the background, hence users can’t easily access the Intel Security Assist application on the desktop.

In this article, I will provide vital information about what is Intel Security Assist, How to Enable or Disable it in Windows 10, and How to Download and Uninstall it. Additionally, information about Intel’s Active Management Engine and its components.
What is Intel Security Assist (ISA.EXE)

What is Intel Security Assist?

There are many components available in Intel’s Active Management Engine. Intel Security Assist is also a component of an Active Management Engine by Intel Corporation.

This component is used for collecting data about running processes, registry, memory, and hard disk usage so that they can be analyzed for further use.

Despite only detecting security threats it also serves as a tool for backing up important information in case of an actual threat.

Moreover, what makes this useful is that it can automatically synchronize with the desktop settings of the system

One of the best features of this security suite is its remote management feature.

It has been designed to allow you to perform tasks like managing your keyboard, mouse, display, keyboard focus, and output all via remote management.

This is an application that has the ability to manage the tasks running in the background without the user’s knowledge.

However, users can access the application or tool through the use of Windows Task Manager. In the task manager, you can find it in the process bar.

The name of the service is isa.exe for an old version of windows. For Windows 10, in the task manager, you can find the service name Intel® Security Assist as shown below.

what is intel security assist

💡 What is ISA.EXE?

ISA.EXE is the service name that belongs to the Intel Security Assist application. Generally, it is a background application. The users can not access as well modify it because it is working automatically with the system.

In Windows 7, XP, 8, and 8.1 it comes with the default installation of windows. While in Windows 10 some installation doesn’t include Intel Security Assist service.

Generally, isa.exe is a short form of Intel Security Assist service you can see in the ‘processes’ section of the task manager.

If you are facing any issues such as

  • Windows taking long time to start up
  • Hanging while you working
  • Heating up
  • ISA has stopped working

You can Disable the isa.exe service from the task manager to solve the issues.

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💡 How to Enable/Disable ISA.EXE (Step-by-step)?

To enable or disable the isa.exe service you have to follow the simple steps given below.

  1. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys together
  2. Click on the ‘Services’ tab
  3. Find isa.exe by scrolling down
  4. Right-click on the ‘isa.exe’ file
  5. Select stop to disable isa.exe or Select start to unable isa.exe

You can also set the priority of the isa.exe service. Here are the steps to change the priority of the isa.exe service.

  • Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys together
  • Click on the ‘Details’ tab and search for ‘isa.exe’
  • Right-click on the ‘isa.exe’
  • Select the set priority and choose from 6 options given below
    • Realtime
    • High
    • Above Normal
    • Normal
    • Below Normal
    • Low

💡 Intel Security Assist Download or Install

ISA or Intel Security Assist comes inbuilt in the old version of windows. In windows 10, it is excluded from the package.

However, in this case, you uninstall from your system or you want to download and install the latest version such as then follow the steps given below.

Intel Security Assist Download or Install
  1. Download the latest version of Intel Security Assist from here.
  2. Select the file from the download list
  3. Double click on the file and installation will start
  4. Click on the ‘Next>’ button and at the end press the ‘finish’ button
  5. Open task manager and verify ‘intel® Security Assist’ is running in the ‘processes’ tab

💡 How to Uninstall Intel Security Assistance ?

As mention before, windows users are facing some issues with the Intel Secure Assistance.

Hence, they want to uninstall the service from windows to solve the issues. Here are simple steps you can follow to uninstall the ‘isa exe from your system.

How to uninstall Intel Secure Assistance?
  1. Select the Windows button from the scree or from the keyboard
  2. Click on the ‘settings’ button
  3. Go to the ‘Apps’ menu
  4. Scroll down and click on the Intel® Security Assistance
  5. Now click on the Install
  6. Follow the instruction on the screen and install the application

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💡 Should You Disable isa.exe?

There is no harm to computers by disabling the isa.exe or Intel Security Assistance. In addition, by removing it from the computer you will not face any side effects.

It is an additional feature for security and performance. However, if you do not find it useful or getting issues then better to remove it from your system.

If you don’t want to uninstall then you can disable it or reduce the priority and check the performance of the system.

For the business sector, it is considered an essential service. There is also less chance to face such issues as computers are more powerful compared to domestic use.

Hence, this application can provide useful features to the business environment.

Intel Management and Security Status

The Intel Management and Security Status is an application for the Windows users. By this application users can get information about Intel Active Management Technology service.

This application displays the notifications and current security status of the display. It is recommended to install this application after disabling the Intel Security Assist from the Windows 10 computer.

The notification icon displays, and the Intel Management and Security Status applications are automatically started when Windows starts.

Conclusion: What is Intel Security Assist?

To conclude, we saw what Intel Security Assistance is and how some users are facing issues with this application. Also, it is a component of Intel’s Management Engine Technology that provides security and better performance to the computers.

Nevertheless, it all depends on the user and the computer system. If your computer runs smoothly with the Intel Security Assist application then you can keep it otherwise follow the step given above to disable or uninstall it.

If you don’t understand or find any difficulty with the disable/uninstall the ISA.EXE service then comment below, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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