Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked? Apply These 10 Quick Fixes

Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked? Apply These 10 Quick Fixes

The internet is an essential tool in our daily lives, allowing us to communicate, work, learn, and play. However, sometimes, while browsing the web, you may come across an error message that says “your IP has been temporarily blocked” or “your IP has been banned.”

This can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you’re in the middle of an important task. But don’t worry, there are solutions to this problem.

[Solved] Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked – 10 Quick Fixes

In this article, we’ll be discussing what it means for your IP to be temporarily blocked and banned, the causes of this issue, and most importantly, how to fix it. Our aim is to provide you with clear, quick, and easy-to-follow steps so that you can get back to browsing the web in no time!

What is an IP Address?

Before we move to the causes and fixes, let’s understand first what is an IP Address.

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique numerical label assigned to every device connected to the internet. This includes computers, smartphones, gaming consoles, and other internet-enabled devices.

what is an IP address - Tech Arbiters

An IP address serves two main functions: it identifies the device and allows it to communicate with other devices on the internet. When you visit a website or use an online service, your device sends a request to the server hosting the website or service.

The server then uses your IP address to communicate with your device and send the information back to you.

In simple terms, an IP address is like a telephone number for your device. Just like a telephone number allows you to make and receive calls. An IP address allows your device to communicate with other devices on the internet.

Unlike telephone numbers, IP addresses can also change. Your device may have a different IP address each time you connect to the internet. In most cases, this change occurs automatically and is handled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

However, sometime you may find your IP Address has been temporarily blocked when you explore the website. You may lose access to the particular website and you don’t even know what causes the issue. In the next section, we will learn what causes the issue.

What Causes Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked?

There are several reasons why your IP address may be temporarily blocked or banned. Some of the most common causes include:

1️⃣ Cybersecurity Threats:

Your IP address may be temporarily blocked if it’s been associated with malicious activities. For Example, hacking, spamming or distributing malware.

2️⃣ Overuse of Resources:

Sometimes using too many resources, such as bandwidth, CPU, or memory, the server may temporarily block your IP address to prevent performance degradation for other users. To save your device from this kind of activity your IP may get a temporary blockage.

3️⃣ Misconfigured Network:

If your network is not properly configured, it may result in your IP address being temporarily blocked. For example, if you have too many devices connected to your network, it may exceed the maximum number of connections allowed.

4️⃣ Geolocation Restrictions:

Some websites and services may be restricted based on your geographical location. If you try to access a restricted website or service from a country where it’s not available. It may cause your IP address temporarily blocked.

5️⃣ Using VPN or Proxy:

VPN and Proxy users are getting different IP addresses from the service providers. They are using it in order to hide their location for a specific purpose.

However, the IP you provided may be used by spammers or people who misuse IP over the internet. Hence, when you use this IP again and again it may cause a temporary block IP issue.

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10 Fixes for a Temporarily Blocked IP

Before you try the fixes mentioned below it’s important to note that temporary IP blocks are different from permanent IP bans. A temporary block will only last for a specified amount of time, while a permanent ban is just that – permanent.

If “your IP address has been permanently banned”, you will not be able to access the website or service until the ban is lifted.

However, this is a rare occurrence and typically happens in cases of severe violations of a website or service’s terms of use. If this occurs to you then refer to the advanced fix provided in this article.

In the next section, we will learn how to fix the issue “Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked”.

Fix 1: Restart Your Router

One of the easiest and quickest fixes for a temporarily blocked IP address is to simply restart your router.

Restart your router to fix the error, Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked

Restarting your router can clear up any minor issues that may be causing your IP to be temporarily blocked. Here’s how to restart your router:

  • Locate your router: Find the router device in your home or office and unplug it from the power source.
  • Wait a few minutes: Leave your router unplugged for at least 2-3 minutes. This gives it time to fully shut down and clear its memory.
  • Plug it back in: Plug your router back into the power source and turn it on.
  • Wait for it to restart: It may take a few minutes for your router to restart and connect to the internet.
  • Check your IP address.

In many cases, restarting your router can fix a temporarily blocked IP address. However, if the issue persists, there are several other fixes you can try. We’ll be discussing them in the next section of this article.

Fix 2: Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Another possible cause of a temporarily blocked IP address is a cluttered browser cache and cookies.

Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can help resolve this issue and restore access to the website or service that was previously blocking you.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open your browser: Open the browser that you’re using to access the website or service that was previously blocking you.
  • Access the settings: Depending on the browser you’re using, you can access the settings by clicking on the menu button. It should be in the upper right corner of the browser window, and then selecting “Settings” or “Options.”
  • Clear cache and cookies: Look for the option to clear your cache and cookies. Follow the on-screen instructions to do so.
  • Restart your browser: Once you’ve cleared your browser cache and cookies. Restart your browser to ensure that the changes take effect.
  • Check your IP address: Try accessing the website or service that was previously blocking you to see if the issue has been resolved.

Clearing your browser cache and cookies can help resolve a temporarily blocked IP address caused by a cluttered browser. If you still facing the same issue, you can use a VPN.

Fix 3: Check for Malware

If your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to malicious activities it may mean that your device has been infected with malware.

Check for Malware to fix the error, Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked

To ensure that your device is free of malware, you should perform a thorough scan of your system using an anti-malware program. Here’s how:

  • Download and install an anti-malware program: There are several reputable anti-malware programs available, such as Malwarebytes, Avast, or Norton.
  • Run a full scan: Once you’ve installed the anti-malware program, run a full scan of your system to check for any malware infections.
  • Remove any detected malware: If the anti-malware program detects any malware, follow the on-screen instructions to remove it from your system.
  • Restart your device: Once you’ve removed the malware, restart your device to ensure that it’s fully cleared from your system.
  • Check your IP address.

By checking your device for malware and removing any infections, you can help prevent your IP address from being temporarily blocked due to malicious activities.

Fix 4: Use a VPN

Using a virtual private network (VPN) can help you bypass a temporarily blocked IP address by allowing you to access the internet through a different IP address.

  • Choose a reputable VPN provider: There are many VPN providers available, so choose one that has a good reputation and a user-friendly interface.
  • Download and install the VPN software: Once you’ve chosen a VPN provider, download and install the VPN software on your device.
  • Connect to a VPN server: Open the VPN software and select a server location. The VPN will then establish a secure connection to the server, allowing you to access the internet through that server’s IP address.
  • Check for the temporary blockage of your IP address.

Using a VPN can be a quick and effective way to bypass a temporarily blocked IP address. However, it’s important to choose a reputable VPN provider and use the VPN software responsibly. Some VPN providers may use practices that could compromise your privacy or security.

Fix 5: Change Your IP Address

Changing your IP address is another way to bypass a temporarily blocked IP address. Changing your IP address is a simple and straightforward way to bypass a temporarily blocked IP address.

  • To change your IP address, you’ll need to first “disconnect” from your internet connection. You simply need to unplug your modem or router. You can also disable or turn off your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection.
  • Wait for a few minutes after disconnecting from your internet connection. This will allow your internet service provider (ISP) to assign a new IP address to your device.
  • After waiting a few minutes, reconnect to your internet connection by plugging your modem or router back in, or by enabling your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection on your device.
  • Now, you can check your IP address.

By using this method the issue “your IP has been temporarily blocked” can be fixed. Although, for some other reasons it may not work for you. In this condition, you can try other fixes.

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Fix 6: Contact Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

If none of the previous fixes have worked. You may need to contact your internet service provider (ISP) to resolve the issue. Here’s what you can do:

  • Gather information: Before contacting your ISP, gather information about the issue, including the website or service that’s blocking your IP address, and the error message you’re receiving.
  • Call or email your ISP: Contact your ISP either by phone or email and explain the issue. Provide them with the information you gathered in step 1 and ask for their assistance in resolving the issue.
  • Follow up: If you haven’t received a response from your ISP within a reasonable amount of time, follow up with them to ensure the issue is being addressed.

Contacting your ISP can be a helpful way to resolve a temporarily blocked IP address. Your ISP may be able to resolve the issue quickly.

In addition, they may be able to provide you with additional information or guidance to help you resolve the issue.

If you’re unable to resolve the issue with your ISP, there are several other fixes you can try.

Fix 7: Check for IP Conflicts

One of the potential causes for the temporary IP blockage is the IP conflict for the devices. IP conflicts occur when two devices on a network have the same IP address. Here’s how to check for IP conflicts:

  • Open the Command Prompt: On Windows, open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key + X and selecting Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu. On a Mac, open the Terminal application.
  • Run the “ipconfig” command: In the Command Prompt or Terminal window, type the command “ipconfig” and press Enter. This will display a list of network settings for your device.
  • Look for IP conflicts: Look for any entries in the list with the message “IP conflict” or “Duplicate IP address”. If you find any, this indicates an IP conflict on your network.
  • Resolve the conflict: To resolve the IP conflict, you’ll need to change the IP address of one of the devices on your network. You can do this by accessing the device’s network settings and manually assigning it a new IP address.
Check for IP Conflicts in the Windows Commant Prompt

Checking for IP conflicts and resolving any conflicts you find can help resolve a temporarily blocked IP address. If this method doesn’t work for you, try the next one.

Fix 8: Update Your Device’s Software

Keeping your device’s software up-to-date can help resolve a temporarily blocked IP address. Here’s how to update your device’s software:

  • Check for updates: On Windows, click the Windows Start button, click the Settings icon, and click Update & Security. On a Mac, click the Apple menu and select System Preferences. Then, click Software Update.
  • Install any available updates: If any updates are available, install them by following the on-screen instructions.
  • Restart your device: After the updates are installed, restart your device to ensure the updates take effect.

Updating your device’s software may help get rid of the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” error. Somehow software update can not fix the issue try disabling proxy settings.

Fix 9: Disable VPN or Proxy Settings

This is one of the common causes when you get the issue. If you’re using a VPN or proxy server to access the internet, you may want to disable it.

Here’s how to disable VPN:

  1. Open the VPN software or the website that you are using to change your IP address.
  2. In most of the software, it is a common button that turns on and turns off the VPN.
  3. Press the turn-off button and it will disable VPN
  4. Now check the same website you were using previously and get the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” error.

Here’s how to disable proxy settings:

  1. Open the browser settings: On most browsers, you can access the settings by clicking the three dots in the upper-right corner of the browser window and selecting Settings from the menu.
  2. Disable the proxy: In the settings, look for a section labeled “Proxy” or “Connection”. Disable the proxy settings by unchecking the box next to “Use a proxy server” or by selecting “No proxy” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Save the changes: Save the changes by clicking OK or Apply.

Disabling the VPN and Proxy settings can help resolve a temporarily blocked IP address.

However, if you still facing the same error it is possible the website itself has an issue, technical glitches, or restrictions for the specific location. In this case, you can try accessing the site from different devices.

Fix 10: Try Accessing the Site from a Different Device

Finally, you may want to try accessing the website or service from a different device to determine if the issue is with your device or with the website or service itself.

If you’re able to access the website or service from a different device, the issue is likely with your device. If you’re unable to access the website or service from a different device, the issue is likely with the website or service itself.

Trying to access the website or service from a different device can help determine the cause of a temporarily blocked IP address.

In this section, we learned 10 quick fixes to solve the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” error. Though, it may not work if “your IP has been banned permanently”. In the next section, we will learn how to fix the issue if you are getting an error “your IP has been banned”.

Advanced Fix: Check if Your IP Has Been Banned or Blacklisted

If you have tried all the fixes mentioned above and your IP is still blocked, it’s possible that “your IP has been banned or blacklisted”. This is a more severe situation, as it means that your IP has been flagged for suspicious activity and is no longer allowed to access certain websites or online services.

To check if your IP has been banned or blacklisted, you can use online tools such as MX Toolbox or IP Blacklist Check. These tools will tell you if your IP has been flagged and which blacklists it is on.

If your IP has indeed been banned or blacklisted, you may need to contact your ISP to have the issue resolved. They will be able to investigate the matter and take the necessary steps to get your IP removed from the blacklist.

In some cases, you may need to switch to a different ISP if the one you are currently using has a history of allowing blacklisted IPs. Alternatively, you can try using a different IP address by using a VPN or dynamic IP service.

All in all, Be sure to take the necessary steps to ensure that your IP remains clean and doesn’t get blacklisted again in the future.

In the next section, we will consider some preventive measures in order to avoid the “your IP has been temporarily blocked” or “your IP has been banned” issues.

How to Prevent Your IP from Being Temporarily Blocked or Banned

Preventing your IP from being temporarily blocked or banned is important in order to maintain smooth and uninterrupted access to websites and online services.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent this issue from happening again in the future:

1️⃣ Avoid Suspicious Activity:

Engaging in suspicious online activity such as hacking, spamming, or downloading illegal content can result in your IP being temporarily blocked or banned. To avoid this, be mindful of the activities you engage in online.

2️⃣ Keep Your Device’s Software Up-to-Date:

Outdated software can be a security risk and can also result in your IP being temporarily blocked or banned. Regularly check for software updates and install them as soon as they become available.

3️⃣ Disable Proxy Settings:

Using proxy servers can result in your IP being temporarily blocked or banned. It can make it difficult for websites and services to identify the origin of the request. If you do not need to use a proxy server, it is recommended that you disable it.

4️⃣ Use a Reliable Internet Service Provider:

Some ISPs are known for having unreliable or low-quality networks that are more susceptible to IP blocks or bans. Consider switching to a more reliable and reputable ISP if you encounter this issue frequently.

5️⃣ Maintain Good Online Habits:

Maintaining good online habits such as using strong passwords, avoiding phishing scams, and not downloading unknown software or attachments can help prevent your IP from being temporarily blocked or banned.

By following these simple steps, you can prevent your IP from being temporarily blocked or banned and enjoy uninterrupted access to the internet.

Remember, being mindful of your online activities and maintaining good online habits is key to avoiding IP blocks and bans.


In conclusion, It can be frustrating when you get the error “your IP has been temporarily blocked” or “your IP has been banned.” But the good news is that there are many fixes you can try to regain access.

Whether it’s restarting your router, clearing your browser cache and cookies, using a VPN, or checking if your IP has been banned or blacklisted, there is a solution to suit everyone’s needs.

🧡 I hope that this article provides you with the information and tools you need to get back online and enjoy the full benefits of the internet. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will do our best to help you out.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

How can I check if my IP has been temporarily blocked?

You can check if your IP has been temporarily blocked by visiting the website you are unable to access and seeing if you receive an error message.

Why has my IP been temporarily blocked?

Your IP may have been temporarily blocked for several reasons, such as suspicious activity, IP conflicts, outdated software, or proxy settings.

What is the full form of the IP address?

The full form of IP address is Internet Protocol Address.

What are some fixes for a temporarily blocked IP?

Some common fixes for a temporarily blocked IP include restarting your router, checking for malware, clearing your browser cache and cookies, using a VPN, and contacting your ISP.

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